
Silent Witness Exhibit

The WVU Women's Resource Center invites students, faculty, staff and community members to help honor those killed in acts of domestic violence at the annual Silent Witness Exhibit. The center will be there on October 20th, 2022, to offer support and resources to this important event. Silent Witness exhibit. figures of women standing. message on domestic violence

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Dr. DeKeseredy honored with Robert Jerin Book of the Year Award

On behalf of the Division of Victimology Awards Committee. Dr. DeKeseredy was chosen as the recipients of the Robert Jerin Book of the Year Award for your book entitled, “Woman Abuse in Rural Places." The Robert Jerin Book of the Year Award is given to an author(s) who has written a book within the previous five years that has had a major impact on the field of victimology and/or serves to highlight a key issue in the field. 

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Please join Dr. DeKeseredy on this important conference

Please join Dr. DeKeseredy for this important conference on Ice Hockey Players' Sexual Objectification and Abuse of Women.Picture of Walter DeKeseredy with info about new conference on hockey and abuse of women

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