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Rachel Condry, Ph.D.

St Hilda's College

Rachel Condry is Professor of Criminology and Fellow of St Hilda's College. She has previously been a lecturer in criminology at the University of Surrey, and a lecturer and British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow at the London School of Economics. Her work focuses broadly on the intersections between crime and the family. She has carried out research projects on the families of serious offenders, prisoners’ families, parenting expertise in youth justice, and adolescent to parent violence. Rachel is the author of Families Shamed: The Consequences of Crime for Relatives of Serious Offenders (Willan, 2007).

Rachel conducted the first large-scale UK study of adolescent to parent violence, with Caroline Miles, funded by the ESRC. The findings are published in a number of journal articles and a forthcoming book (Palgrave, 2020). More information about the study can be found here. She has also worked with the UK government and a number of other experts to produce the first UK policy guidance on adolescent to parent violence.

Rachel is currently developing a new project on child to parent homicide in the UK. She is also working on the topic of prisoners’ families and recently published an edited book with Oxford University Press drawing together the work of international researchers working in this field. Rachel is co-editor of the Howard Journal of Crime and Justice.